Stainless Steel Funnels For Kitchen With Handles-Set Of 6
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From Awpeye
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Report Card
Most Trusted Reviews
- Verified Purchaser
- Take-Back Reviewer (3 deleted Reviews; avg. rating: 4.3)
- Overlapping Review History: reviewed 1 of 9 top products
- Easy Grader (avg. rating: 4.5)
Least Trusted Reviews
We couldn't find any low-quality reviewsAnalysis Details
Take-Back Reviewers
22 of the 52 reviewers have had at least one of their past reviews for another product deleted. While this is more Take-Back Reviewers than we'd expect to see, it does not appear to have a significant impact on the overall rating.
- 40%
- Have an overrepresented word count
In the graph above, we can see the distribution of review word counts for this product and the expected distribution for this category. We see the following 1 group with a statistically significant greater concentration than what we'd expect to see:In total, we found that 21 reviews (or 40%) are within an overrepresented word count group. While this is more reviews from overrepresented word count groups than we'd expect to see, these reviews do not appear to have a significant impact on the overall rating.
- 0%
- Created on high-volume days
Read more about our Rating Trend test.
- 0%
- Unverified Purchases
Unverified purchases may be the result of Kindle Unlimited readers, buyers who didn't pay full price, or reviewers who did not purchase the product at Amazon. Read more about our Unverified Purchases test.
7 of the 52 total reviews for this product use substantial repetitive phrases between them. This is within an acceptable range and it does not appear to be significantly affecting the overall rating for this product.
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11 of the 52 reviewers have substantial overlapping product review history. This is within an acceptable range and it does not appear to be significantly affecting the overall rating for this product.
- 23%
- From reviewers with an overrepresented participation
We see the following 1 participation group with a statistically significant greater concentration than what we'd expect to see:In total, we found that 12 reviewers (or 23%) are within an overrepresented participation group. This is within an acceptable range and it does not appear to be significantly affecting the overall rating for this product.
4.4 Product's Average Ease Score
4.4 Category's Average Ease Score
Read more about our Reviewer Ease test.
Brand Repeaters
- 0%
- Admitted to receiving an incentive
Read more about our Incentivized Reviews test. Check out our study showing that Incentivized Reviewers are much more likely to leave a positive review.
- 0
- Reviews have been deleted
There are a few limitations to keep in mind regarding the Deleted Reviews test:
- We don't have a magic ability to collect every single deleted review; we can only identify reviews as deleted if we collect them on one date and then notice they are no longer visible on a subsequent date.
- We have no information on reviews that were never published in the first place.
- We also don't know why these reviews were removed. It could be action from the platform, personal decision by the review author, part of an entire account closure, even some data error on our part, etc.