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Happy Cappy Reviews Analysis

Top Categories: Kitchen Storage & Organization

Amazon Reviews for  Happy Cappy
average rating
68 Ratings
26 Reviews
("Ratings" vs. "Reviews")
0% of potentially unnatural reviews removed (why?)
Adjusted Reviews for Happy Cappy
average adjusted rating
26 Reviews

Products (3)

Beverage CAN LID Protector -3 Pack


68 Ratings
26 Reviews


26 Reviews

Happy Cappy Dr. Eddie’s Medicated Shampoo for Children, Treats Dandruff & Seborrheic...


10,007 Ratings


10,007 Reviews

Dr. Eddie's Happy Cappy Daily Shampoo & Body Wash for Children, Soothes Dry, Itchy,...


1,402 Ratings


1,355 Reviews

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